Friday, June 18, 2010

Pure Randomness & We're Off!

Happy Friday!
Yah! I made it through the week and in roughly 9 hours, we leave on vacation!

Today was spent watching my cousin's three little ones. They live in a charming old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. I wanted to snap a picture of the outside to show you, but didn't get around to it with a 1, 4, and 5 year old keeping me very busy! It is an absolutely picture perfect day here. The kids ran through the sprinkler (even the littlest one ran right up to the water and stuck her face in!) and I got a little sun before leaving for Florida...which reminds me that I probably should have tanned my ghostly white body before exposing it to everyone in a bikini! Oh, well!

On a completely random note...Yesterday, I went to one of those one hour eye glass places in the mall to pick up a pair before vacation (because I somehow lost mine a few months ago and waited until the absolute last second to decide that yes, I am nearly blind after taking my contacts out and really need glasses to wear at night).
Anyway, while I was waiting on my glasses, I did some unnecessary shopping. I went to Macys, where they were having a one day sale, and happened upon an adorable, bright yellow Jessica Simpson purse. I immediately picked it up and was carrying it around with me, when a sales lady asked me if I would like her to scan it to see the price. I told her I was just looking, but she proceeded to scan the tag. "Where did you get this?" she asked me. I thought I was in trouble for a second! That's when she said it. "It's on sale for $30! That's a steal."

Why yes, yes it is quite a steal. So, I got a completely unnecessary, yet utterly adorable, yellow Jessica Simpson purse that was originally $90, for $30! Score!
(and it makes me feel even better that online, it is only marked down to $48.99!)

Then, as if I wasn't feeling good enough about my great deal at Macys...I walked into Victoria's Secret, and found one of those Miraculous push up bras that add two cup sizes, marked down from $50 to $30! If you haven't tried one of them on, you need to! I literally want to replace all of my other bras with those!

Are you still here? Anyone? Well, I am finishing up some last minute laundry and packing, and then heading over to my fiance's house to wait for 3 a.m. to roll around so we can leave for the airport!

~I'm going to leave you with a few pretty rooms to admire...none of which have anything to do with any one of the multiple topics that I jumped around to in this post...because that's just the kind of mood I'm in! Have a beautiful weekend and week! Don't forget about me while I'm gone ;) Talk to you soon!~


P.S. I will be back Tuesday June 29th...just in time for the midnight showing of Eclipse ha ha
(I laugh, but I'm totally serious. We will get off our plane, make the three hour drive home, and then I'm driving another 45 minutes to meet my best friend for the midnight show! Anyone else obsessed?) and will return probably Wednesday to share pics of our trip!

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