Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Birthday

to me!
Today, I turn 22. In honor of that, I thought I would share twenty-two random things about myself.
Here we go...
1. My name came from the movie "The Beastmaster". ha.
2. My favorite color is green.
3. I am marrying my high school sweetheart in just over three months :)
4. My mom is walking me down the aisle.
5.  I have ocd and social anxiety. For reals.
6. I am an "old soul" and total homebody. Some might call me boring. ;)
7. I am now officially older than my mom was when she had me. Weird.
8. I can't wait to be a mom. I want three kids and hope to start our family within two years.
9. I love reading, but reserve it for vacations and summer (when I'm not in school), because once I start, I get nothing else done until I've finished the book.
10. Cleaning relaxes me and I have to have things organized or I feel totally out of control. 
11. In heels, I'm almost as tall as my 6'2" future hubby.
12. As a child, I wanted to be a model, cheerleader, veterinarian, and a teacher.
13. I'm naturally very quiet. I have had to live with people calling me shy and thinking I'm stuck up because I don't talk much.
14. My biggest pet peeve is the sound of someone crunching/chewing food. Yuck.
15. I have one tattoo that I got last year. It's on my back, close to my hip, and says "breathe".
16. I am in what is technically my senior year of college, but am nowhere near to being done. I will graduate this spring with an associate's degree in General Studies, but have about a year and a half left to finish my bachelor's in Secondary Education.  
17. I am and always have been a girly girl.
18. I used to get picked last in gym class. I hate sports and playing games, and didn't try...therefore, no one wanted me on their team. lol
19. I love watching creepy shows about killers...Criminal Minds, Law and Order SVU, and any Date Line investigative type of show...but then when I'm home alone, I get freaked out and convince myself someone is looking in my windows.
20. Our cat, Oliver, is my baby. I have turned into one of those weird cat obsessed people.
21. I'm a total night owl and can sleep the day away...which is beyond depressing.
22. If I could have any talent, I would want it to be a really great singing voice and the ability to play guitar.

~Was that exhausting? I hope I didn't bore you too much! Have a wonderful day! xo

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