Saturday, October 10, 2009

Alaska Bits -- 19 --Whittier

As a destination, no one would choose Whittier. But as a connecting link, it is an important point on the map. Whittier is the port connection for Anchorage to Prince William Sound. The waters surrounding Anchorage itself are too shallow and sandy to allow for large ships. Prince William Sound is a great place to visit by boat, so there is moorage for craft of all sizes.

Whittier is where we emerged from the tunnel.

...and saw our cruise ship for the first time.

That's our balcony that I circled.

Whittier is where we went through the boarding process in that dockside building.

Which was harder for some of us than others.

Most of the residents of Whitier live in two buildings. This is one of them. There is a small hotel and restaurant with a general store and a one room maritime museum.

From the dock, you can walk there through this pedestrian tunnel that goes under the railway and the highway.

But unless you have run out of shaving cream or something, there is not much reason to do so. Because the fudge information is on the harbor side with a few tourist shops.

...and a variety of watercraft of all sizes.

I did say ALL sizes.

So all in all, if you have to go through Whittier, Alaska, it will be an interesting adventure. If you want to get out on some water, see some glaciers, it is a good place to start. If you have to spend much time there, well... can get some interesting reflection shots.

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