Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Roll Up, Roll Up

For All The Fun Of The Fair

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

No, there's no chance of making a grand entrance here - simply because, as the sign says, it's an exit! I shot these two images on Easter Saturday at Luna Park, during our holiday in Sydney this year. We've made several visits to Sydney over the years, but it's the first time we've actually been to Luna Park.

Let's just say a good time was had by all. Three Authorbloglets and three of their closest friends. Two fathers, both having a good time as well - ah, okay, so one of them had a camera around his neck and kept finding lots of quirky images to shoot.

Like this one. I remember thinking at the time, as soon as I saw this sign, that it would be perfect for my regular Thursday post. And just to bring you up to speed, yes, I've had a few queries over the past few weeks about whether I intend to turn "The Doors" into a fully-fledged meme. There is a simple answer. I just don't have enough time to launch and administer a meme.

I do this weekly post because it's fun. But if there's anyone out there who wants to adopt the idea and launch the meme, just let me know.

For earlier posts in this series, check out The Doors Archive.

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