Tuesday, March 31, 2009
K is for Kristiansand in ABC Wednesday
- It is Norway's filth largest city with about 80.000 inhabitants.
- It was founded by the Danish-Norwegian King Christian IV. ("Kristian Kvart") in 1641
- It is beautifully situated in the best part of Summer Norway.
- I once lived and worked there.
- I now have a daughter living and working there.

European route E18 runs from Craigavon in the United Kingdom to Saint Petersburg in Russia, passing through Norway, Sweden, and Finland. It is about 1,890 km (1,174 mi) in length.

{Beauty Tuesday}: Makeup Giveaway inc. Chanel ...

If you wear minimal makeup, these may be all you need
To Enter: Give a comment below stating whether you're a follower or link friend, or both. Being both gives you two entries, hence doubling the chances of winning. Hope all these make sense, please ask anything that's unclear :)
Deadline: this Saturday (3rd April) at 8am GMT.
On another subject, I was going through my old photos and found these of my dressing table when I lived at home about 4 years ago... sorry about my arm appearing in both photos!
Monday, March 30, 2009
And in a spectacular own goal...
There are a few things that have struck me in thinking about the matter.
Rather worryingly, South Africa’s leaders and some of her people, seem to have forgotten our own long struggle for freedom and democracy. It seems to be a case of, “Now that we’re sorted, tough luck for those who aren’t - not our problem.” This conveniently forgets the international aid and support we had from so many quarters. And it forgets how much of that support came from international sporting bodies.
The decision by the government is nothing more than rank hypocrisy hiding behind the skirts of “economics”. Moreover, it is a decision laced with self-centredness and shows absolutely no consideration for the fact that we are all in this together, as one. It is one world, we are one people - what happens to one, impacts upon the other. Tragically, however, it seems our greed and fear are always too strong for us to remember that. History faced with self interest appears to teach us little.
Sadly, money is once again allowed to speak louder than what is right and just. But this whole business of trade vs human struggle is a double edged sword - given that trade with China has resulted in the loss of innumerable jobs in the clothing, textile and footwear industries in South Africa. While consumers have, to date, been happy to buy Chinese made goods, trade unions and workers have long protested against Chinese imports. And of course, it is not only these industries that have been affected – many others have taken a knock at the hands of cheaply made Chinese goods. It would do well for the government and for those South Africans who support the denial of a visa to the Dalai Lama to remember that.
But the Chinese link raises another issue. Not only has the government failed to consider the often brutal reality of the Chinese occupation of Tibet and our own history and struggle for freedom from the apartheid past but they’ve also forgotten our colonial heritage. In a moment of greed and myopia they fail to observe the role that China is increasingly playing in Africa. If anyone was upset by British colonialism, be sure that it will be a tea party by comparison to Chinese colonization, which is already well under way.
The point might even lead one to ask why Mbeki followed such very quiet diplomacy with Zimbabwe. Was it perhaps because Mugabe had already sold out to the Chinese, thereby giving them a kind of ownership in the country, which enabled them to bring economic pressure to bear on the Mbeki government?
But the most critical point remains this: Trade is all well and good but what happened to ethics and human values? Since when did trade become more important than freedom, justice and democracy - the very pillars on which the constitution of South Africa stands? It is a sad day indeed when one’s own leaders forget these things – and it’s no small wonder that several groups are going to the court over the matter.
The self-interested focus on trade at all costs is a sad indictment of what South Africa – that place that once stood as a beacon for human rights - is becoming. It strikes me that those who support the government’s decision are probably also those who last year took to the streets of South Africa in waves of xenophobic violence against refugees from neighbouring countries – countries that had aided those who sought to end apartheid. It all speaks to the same mindset. And it leaves me thinking that too many South Africans (and too many humans per se – witness the global economy) have become far too focused on self interest - to the extent that the view of the far bigger picture of our humanity has been lost. It is a sad day when the South African concept of ubuntu - the ethical and humanist philosophy which focuses on people's allegiances and relations with each other and which acknowledges that we cannot and do not exist in isolation - is forgotten.
The reality of the thing is that the denial of a visa to the Dalai Lama has nothing to do with soccer. It certainly has nothing to do with peace. It definitely has nothing to do with democracy. It would seem to be about something far more complex. Time to wake up and smell the chop-suey wafting through the plastic bead-curtains of self-interest.
Jewels, Jewels, Jewels!!!
Not enough glamour? Would these help?
{all from net-a-porter}
I am so so in love with the peach Miu Miu bow necklace! It's not impossible to find some much cheaper highstreet versions either
{Large Yellow Beads Necklace - Topshop, Gold Ring - Miss Selfridge, Other - Accessorize}
I'm a little, ok a lot behind on replying to tags but will try to do it this week. Starting with the sexy blogger award from the lovely The Magic Risotto Diaries., with it I have to list 5 sexy things about myself, which is so hard!! I don't think I'm sexy at all, maybe a little of the cute type but certainly not sexy! I will try...
1. I am really short, no I meant petite, and sometimes that can be sexy as I can wear 4 inch heels and still be shorter than most men...
2. I almost never smile showing my teeth, hence creating a little mystery?
3. I don't go with any trend just because it's popular, only when I like it too
4. I don't "play games" when it comes to possible relationships, I don't play hard to get but I am really fussy also, good looks alone never impresses me
5. I would be happy being single, I don't feel like I have to have a boyfriend
Pretty random answers but this is the best I can do!! :) I'm tagging all you girls reading these! xx
(photos by Katja Halvarsson via Swedish Elle & stated sources)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Mini-daffodil in Today's Flowers
Saturday, March 28, 2009
{Weekly Giveaway}: tree & kimball

The prize is any necklace from their Etsy shop, although it won't be easy to choose as they're all so pretty!
How to Enter? Anyone who leaves a comment on any post during the next 7 days is automatically entered in the draw, starting with this post and ending Saturday the 4th of April at 8am GMT. The winner will be revealed later that day.
Rules: only leave one comment per post please, meaningless comments will also be discarded. To pick the winner, I will first use randome.org to generate a number between 1 to 7 (7 posts a week) and then pick a randome comment within that post. So to maximise your chances you can reply to every post, don't want to miss a post? follow this blog via Blogger, Reader or Bloglovin & these technology will remind you!
Now to last week's winner...
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Rhododendrons have arrived
The pictures were taken almost two weeks ago at the Arboretum and Botanical Garden - no doubt about it - spring has come to Norway! Or at least our part of it...
Some photos, oh and some more photos
I had all good intentions of rushing home and doing a blog post. Only after a week away and nine hours on the road because of road works, I instead came back to various piles of pooh. And since I didn’t want to do a blog post which was full of whinging, I thought I’d just lay off posting completely.
In a nutshell, the holiday was lovely – see pictures below, and the pooh involves:
- painters who didn’t return to finish a job which they had botched in several places and despite multiple assurances they would return to fix things. We now have to find someone else to do so which will mean shelling out more money;
- debt collecting attorneys who are sending me threatening letters for monies owing on an account which I don’t even have. This has meant spending half a day in the store where I supposedly hold the account filling in dispute forms and getting legal advice - and it's still not over;
- and then there was the whole Dalai Lama thing which I’m sure you all know about by now – when, scoring a stunning own goal, the South African government, under pressure from the Chinese, refused the Dalai Lama a visa to the country in order to attend a peace conference hosted by, amongst others, Nobel Laureates Desmond Tutu and former presidents FW de Klerk and Nelson Mandela. But that’s a topic for another blog post. By which stage it will be old news.
So, back to being on holiday – which now seems an awfully long time ago... I think I’ll just let the pictures do the talking for themselves! And erm, there may be a lot of photos for the next while. It seems, armed with a digital camera I will take a gazillion shots in order to get “the one perfect shot” and I have an eye that sees “shots” everywhere!

POSTSCRIPT: For more pics go here or click on the Flickr link in the side bar - and prowl through the first five pages - I did say I was snap-happy, didn't I...?!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hooked on: A Room with a View
The dream of owning a place like this is a distant dream for me, so for the time being I will settle for a holiday similar to this in a gorgeous hotel, how about the Canaves Oia Hotel in Santorini? I'll leave you to enjoy the views...
Breakfast on terrace? Yes please! Happy Friday! Hope you'll have a relaxing weekend :)
(images from gaelle le boulicaut & SLH, check out what others are hooked on this Friday here)