Display it Softly, Volkswagen Touran 2011, Jaguar Xjl 2011, Toyota Etios Diesel Mileage, Alfa Romeo 8c Wallpaper, Toyota Yaris 2009 White, Bentley Gt Speed 2011, Infiniti 350gt, Lexus Ls460l Interior, The Glass Half Full, What I Like About This Week, The old shed by the seaside, Polarized reflection Beautiful Bedrooms, Paulson's Big HaulHedge fund investor John Paulson..., It is soooooooo COLD and gray right now....
I am sure I heard on the radio that this weekend marks the beginning of spring, with that thought in mind I was imaging a beautiful weekend with plenty of sunshine and warm weather. Not quiet like that, so I'm turning to these beautiful spring coloured photos for inspiration, has spring arrived for you?
I was also tagged by the lovely n a t s u m i, who has the sweetest drawings. Some rules: step 1: Respond & rework-answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own. step 2: Tag-eight other un-tagged people. Now onto the questions:
What are you wearing now? navy jumper, black skinny jeans
How often do you blog? Everyday, spending around 2-5 hrs each day!
Who was the last person you hugged? My friend
Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?My purple shirt/t-shirt top
What's for dinner? I just had pizza, yum!
What was the last thing you bought? well apart from food, a heart shaped red framed sunglasses
What are you listening to right now? nothing but I'm watching QI on BBC
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
To be Luphia! Luphia is actually the name of a fictional character of my favorite computer game since I was 10 (did I mention I'm a geek? :), a heroine and a goddess, more about her later...
What is your favorite weather, and why?
Early summer, when it's sunny and not so hot, around 25C.
What time do you usually get up? 8:10 am and running late most mornings for my 9am lectures
What is your most challenging goal right now? Trying to setup my little business! (nearly there...)
Say something to the person who tagged you: Her drawings are the cutest!
If you could have a house-totally paid for, fully furnished-anywhere in the world, where you want it to be?
That's a hard question! Unrealistically Paris or Venice! Realistically London or Bath.
Favorite vacation spot? Europe and China
Name the things you cannot live without:
So many! Family, friends, my laptop, internet, clothes shops!
What movies can you watch over and over?
All my fav movies are dramas hence a bit too sad to watch often but I do love Big Fish.
What is your favorite tea flavor? Earl Gray
and I am tagging: Being High Maintenance, not Bitchy ; Cafe Fashionista ; captivateme ; CHIC Sensibility ; Design Dig ; Dolce Chic ; GOSSIP STYLE VINTAGE official blog ; on dressing up ;
and the important news! The winner of the Paul & Joe makeup giveaway, drum roll please... ps: please turn your computer volumn down as somehow the background music (and seagull noises) became quite squeaky !
Congratulations Shini! I will contact you shortly for deliver address.
Don't be too disappointed, as there will be more giveaways this month, stay tuned! :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend my dearest readers, xx
(images 1st by toriginal others by Rebecca Thuss )
I have always loved all things vintage, whether it's vintage clothes, vintage typewriters or my current love vintage linen. Their simple yet elegant designs speaks to my heart, and it is also eco-chic!
How about these beauties made from old grain sacks? I just adore the design!
{top left: Ernst and Thistle bottom right: Vintage Weave others: MFV53}
What do you all think my dearest readers, do these lovely pillows have a place in your home? :) Oh, I've also joined the Hooked on Friday party, check out what others are hooked on here.
Happy Friday! I will be back tomorrow for a post of the new series {Styling Luphia}, so if you get bored, you can always come and visit me in blogland? ;)
I wish I am in Paris, care to join me? Just look at the photos and imagine... xx
(fashion photos by Thomas Klementsson)
Are you thinking about taking an office carbinet home? ;)
I love how these images focus on the floor so you can get a feel how different colours would work
there's plenty of inspiration for decoration ideas too, what a great idea to use an antique chest as a coffe table! Now I just need to find that $5 chest from a flee market, any suggestions? ;)
I don't usually post kids related things but how fun is this room!
with a chaise longue for relaxing time while catching up on my favorite magazines, and the wall as the inspiration board, two vintage red phones sit on the table, one for business use, one for personal use, of course ;)
as for the guests? a wide selection of comfy sitting choices to choose from
If this were my creative studio, I think I'll never get out of here! :)
(image by Janne Peters)
Now for the most exciting part - the Giveaway !
If staying in education means going to a grand school built in the 19th century, wearing fabulous clothes and amazing heels, I think I may stay as a student forever! :)
Now on to a litte discussion about the Oscars red carpet, I have to say I was a little disappointed overall, sure there were lots of big fabulous gowns as always but I usually fall for the more colourful and chic dresses.
My favorite this year is Natalie Portman, I adore this girl to bits anyway so maybe a little biased, to me she's the perfect package as a young woman, beautiful (inside & out), intelligent, down to earth, stylish and care about important issues in this world. Evan Rachel Wood also looks very elegant in the Saab nude gown. Miley Cyrus's dress is a litte too much for me on the red carpet but if I was 5 again that mermaid dress would definitely be my fav! ;)
As mentioned yesterday I received three blog awards last week from these fantastic blogs: Captivate Me , Under Lock and Key and Pearls, Peonies, and Ponderings. Now it's the time to pass them on! See I'm doing a mini "Blog Oscars" myself ;) , I have way too many favorites so this time I'm going to concentrate mostly on some new fabulous blogs that I discovered recently!
Your Blog is Fabulous! goes to *Felinofelice , camilla at home , la couturier & Mademoisselle Chic
I {heart} your blog goes to Creme de la Mode , D!RTY LAUNDRY , Daisy Pink Cupcake , FRENCH ESSENCE , Hooked on Houses , january & Make Room for Living
Proximidade award goes to The Drifter and the Gypsy , :: Lime in the Coconut :: , Design Dig , Diamondcanopy , essenceanddesire , Fashionably Early , GOSSIP STYLE VINTAGE , two ellie , Eyes of Me & A Wedding Cabaret
Forgot to say earlier, who's on your best dressed list from the Oscars?
(photo shoots by Baldovino Barani, red capet images from oscar.com)